Never did I imagine that it would be time to go back to work. After being home for over a month before having Micah and then being home with him for the next 3 months, I couldn't believe it was July and time to go back to work. As a parent, one of the hardest things is finding someone you feel comfortable leaving your child with. I have been blessed to find just that place.
I have to say that my situation is the best one any new mom could ask for! Since my husband and I work and live on a college campus (yes I said LIVE! My husband is a full time professional for the Office of Housing and Residence Life) we were very, VERY fortunate to be able to get Micah into the on campus day care. What does this mean? It means, no driving, no waiting in traffic and I get to see him anytime I want!

I have to say, that although I would LOVE to stay home everyday with Micah, he has learned and done so much that I know he wouldn't if he was home just with me. He LOVES people, plays so well with other kids, and has learned and been socialized. He is ok if I have to leave him with other people (granted to this day, and he's a year old) he has NEVER had a babysitter other than family, and I can honestly say that has only been 2-3 times! I leave him to go to work, so I enjoy and want to spend all my other time with him.
The people at the Child Development Center are wonderful and I can tell that they really love Micah. . Each monring Chuck and I would go and drop him off, everyday got a bit easier, and every afternoon we'd pick him up. It was great! I knew that I could walk over and see him all the time, I also knew that if he needed me I was seconds away from him. Micah gets excited when he sees his school (yes I call it school) and his friends. He loves everyone (expecially Mary-Liz...she's a student here at ODU that works in his classroom, and Micah LOVES her!)

Now that Micah is one, it's time to start thinking about him moving up to the next classroom. I do not like to think about this, nor do I want to talk about it. I want him to stay in the Infant Room forever! I love the Mrs. Joann and the girls. They have helped and loved my baby since he was 3 months old....I can't image him not being in that room. However, I know that he needs to grow and learn new things....but if they ever want to steal him back I'm OK with that!!
So to my CDC ladies....thank you for loving, caring for and all you have done for Micah! We love you!!!!